Local business
Rachel (see video below) is a community archaeologist and event coordinator at the Crannog Centre which welcomes over 30,000 visitors a year to the local area (click here for more details). Rachel thinks that there are tons of great initiatives already happening in Aberfeldy when it comes to climate action and living well locally. However, she thinks the area is missing a person or organisation whose role it is to build connections, bringing people and businesses together to drive things forward and accelerate change from the ground up. What do you think?
Businesses form an integral part of the community tapestry. However, sometimes how we do business can have a negative impact on the environment.
So, what can we do about this? What is preventing your business for reducing its environmental impact? What opportunities are there to overcome these barriers? And how can a desire for a more environmentally friendly business attract more revenue whilst boosting the local economy or improving the wellbeing of residents?